Goooooood afternoon lovely readers of the Goddess Blog!
After a whole month spent in Thessaloniki - the Goddess is back home!!
I arrived today in the morning in the chilly Belgrade - so today there will be no post for you lovely readers to endulge yourselves in, it will be more of an update of the Goddess’s Monday because honestly I feel a bit exhausted from the trip, so some rest will be quite welcomed - but not for long!
Tomorrow I intend to pick myself up and open up the week of blog posting so be sure to come back tomorrow to check what the Goddess has to say for the final day in January lovely reading souls!
Last but not least, I wanted to thank the lovely Helenios one more time - you were an absolute gentleman for these 30 days spent together and I cant wait to come back to Thessaloniki again. You really ought to be an inspiration to every Sugar Daddy out there! :*
Goddess is out for the day, have a beautiful Monday lovely people and catch you all tomorrow!