Why do we ‘have’ to be perfect?

Goooooooooood morning lovely readers of the Goddess Blog and welcome to the last post of the week with your favorite Goddess!

We are slowly but surely getting through the month of May, which has been a turbulent month filled with radical emotions - so today’s post will be a bit of a retrospective post as I wanted to just share some thoughts with you guys that have been bothering me for the past couple of days. Bear with me here! :D

First of all, I have been thinking over and over again in the last couple of days on how to improve myself and my blog - and effectively getting more exposure to new public and new readers. And I have even gone to the detail that maybe I am not as attractive as I thought I was. Maybe something was wrong with me that is blocking people from wanting to read my blog posts - and even meeting me.

See what the fundamental error in my train of thought is? Why do we always HAVE to strive to be perfect?

Society absolutely bombards us all with instructions on how to become richer, fitter - and happier as a consequence. Why have we become so dissatisfied with being ordinary?

For you see, none of those things that society pushes us to improve will not make us happy. Being ordinary is not the problem. Being forced to do maniacal, mindless work only to scrape by and live a purposeless life is.

Go out there - and give purpose to your life. Stop focusing and looking down on yourself and focus on your work, on service and on others. You will soon remember how small and imperfect you really are and how society's quest for perfectionism is nothing but a sick fantasy that seems more like a quest to finding El Dorado rather than something else.

Being ordinary and having the luxury to savour simple pleasures in life is truly the best. Much better for most people's mental health and quality of relationships that they have. At least that's my opinion about it.

Time for a change - this time for real!

I hope you enjoyed my Saturday rant, lovely readers of the Goddess Blog!

I hope all of you enjoy your weekend, and I hope that if you have the urge to meet and spend some time with the Goddess in order to enjoy all of the Goddess sexual prowess, you will head over to the booking section and treat yourself with a:

Hurry up - and make the last days of spring or first days of summer MEMORABLE! :)

Goddess loves you all, catch you all on Monday,



Become a master at standing sex


Get kinky with your partner - The Goddess Way!