The end of November

Hellooooo and good afternoon lovely readers of the Goddess Blog and welcome to the last post for the month of November, time really flies fast all of the sudden as we approach the end of 2022, and today we have the last post for the month of November as tomorrow we will be entering December - so I will today take the time to talk you through the month of December and what to expect from the Goddess Blog!

November was a really nice month in terms of visits for my blog as it marked the first full month of blogging after the lengthy summer break - so I just hope to carry over the momentum to the month of December!

December will be filled with many different topics, I intend to fully embrace the Christmas spirit and to also share with some of you guys some Christmas decorations that I have in mind, will also offer some nice wintery Christmasy sexy advice for all of you dear boys and girls - and last but not least, December will be the month of the last Challenge of the year - The Christmas Challenge!

It is about time to end the year on a high and the Goddess will offer a unique opportunity for the lucky winner of The Christmas Challenge to become a full-time member of the Diamond Goddess Club - but more on that later, as I expect to fully anounce the Challenge and its rules in the following days or so!

I am really looking forward to embracing the month of December fully - and I really look forward to a lot of readers for the month of December as well, so be sure to drop in on the Goddess Blog whenever you feel like it, starting tomorrow when I will be sharing my first of the many sexy Christmas-themed blog posts!

Goddess loves you all, enjoy the last day of November lovely ladies and gents and I will be seeing you all tomorrow!



Turn the heat up with these December sex positions


How to have a loud and proud sex