Make your Sugar Baby swallow!

Good morning lovely readers of the Goddess Blog and welcome to another day and another blog post by your one and only Goddess! Today will be a very educational and sensitive read for a lot of you guys - I will be explaining how you can make your Sugar Baby or girlfriend to swallow your load with pleasure!

Stick around for today’s post, be sure to drop a comment giving your impressions about it - and remember to reward the Goddess with some nice coffees along the way!

A lot of Sugar Daddies with whom I have interacted over the past few years have posed a very peculiar problem that they face:

How can I get my Sugar Baby to swallow? She doesn’t seem into, but I really love it.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but a lot of people do not like the act of swallowing cum. Can you blame them? Would you swallow your own cum? I’m willing to bet you wouldn’t. It doesn’t always taste great, it’s texturally odd and some people find the concept of consuming and digesting something that came from inside someone else’s body to be, well, unappetizing. That’s not to say some people don’t like it — I know tons of people of all genders who love guzzling semen — I’m just saying: I get where your Sugar Baby or girlfriend’s coming from. 

Personally, I only swallow when I know someone very well. If I’m just starting to date them, I’ll spit it out or have them come somewhere else on my body because it’s a little too intimate of an act to do with someone I’m not invested in. If there is chemistry with someone, though, I’ll swallow. It’s a bonding act that makes me feel closer to them. A Weekend Getaway or a Diamond Club Membership is a different story altogether. When I’m on a Weekend Getaway, I’ll swallow if I’m asked to beforehand, but I’ll be candid with you: I haven’t been able to hold down every load I’ve attempted to take down — and I’m a professional! 

The good news is there are some things you can do to make swallowing a more pleasant experience for your Sugar Baby. First, change your diet. Eat lots of fresh fruits — especially pineapple — and drink a lot of water. Avoid cigarettes, alcohol, processed foods and red meat, as these things tend to make cum taste funky.

Next, ask politely if she’d be willing to swallow and express to her how much you love when she does so. Tell her why you like it so much. Ask her what she wants from you. Is there anything you could do to make it a more pleasant experience? What could you do to turn her on while it’s happening? One thing that’s always helped me is to take my partner’s penis as deep into my mouth as I can while he’s coming so that the tip of it is right on the very back of my tongue. If your girlfriend or sugar baby can get it into her mouth that far without choking, your semen should bypass most of her taste buds, and she can swallow it without having to hold it in her mouth for long enough to consider its varied tasting notes. 

If she’s still not into it, that’s just something you’ll have to work around. I’d recommend watching porn and fulfilling the fantasy that way. Not all fantasies have to become realities, and sex is never fun when one person’s not into something, so do your best to respect her and her boundaries (she is doing all the work, after all).

That’s it for today’s post lovely ladies and gents! I hope that you learned something that will help you and your partner get over this little obstacle in your relationship!

Goddess is out for the day, have a beautiful Monday lovely reading souls, I will catch you all tomorrow with a new post!



How to create a good Sugar Daddy profile


Tomorrow is the Orthodox Christmas!