Hellooooooooo lovely readers of the Goddess Blog and welcome to a lovely Friday evening and a nice little update of the DIamond Challenge that the Goddess has in store for you guys!
The first 5 days of the competition are already behind us - but that’s not all that is new!
Living in the Balkans is not only hard - it is also very inconvenient for many different reasons. Serbia is not in the EU - so naturally, everu shipment is specifically hard to obtain.
But lo and behold, after 3 weeks time, my Amazon stuff finally arrivedddddd!
Worth the wait? 😄😄
As for the DIamond Challenge, without any further ado, here is the current Leaderboard:
1. Xerxes - 45 coffees
2. ericj222 - 30 coffees
3. Pantolemium - 20 coffees
3. ValterZ - 20 coffees
5. BenPal - 5 coffees
Plenty of fun and interesting days ahead of us boys and girls! Be sure to check out the blog tomorrow for the last post of the week!
Have a great Friday evening ahead of you,
Goddess loves you all,