Gooooooooood morning lovely readers of the Goddess Blog and welcome to the first day of June with your one and only Goddess! For the first day of June I have a very positive and uplifting post for you guys that I really finalised writing yesterday evening thanks to my twitter feed - so stick around for it, as I will be sharing 15 of the very BEST life hacks that you guys and gals should be taken note of! Without any further ado, let’s dig right into it!
As per my usual routine, I was scouring my twitter feed yesterday evening as I was quite bored with my life itself, to tell you the truth. And I stumbled on the twitter feed of the lovely miss Amanda Deibert, who had a quite simple - but astonishingly beautiful - question to ask:
What is your BEST life hack?
In no particular order, here are some of the replies that she got that I really think that are deserving to be called The BEST life hacks out there!
When someone is upset, sometimes they just want to be heard, not cheered up.
When you mentally talk to yourself, try to talk the way you would talk to someone you care about. Try avoiding saying things that would come out as assholic if you said them to someone else.
Take yourself on a date once a month. A nice restaurant, a bookstore, a movie, a walk, etc. Self-care is awesome for you - and all of your loved ones will benefit from it as well.
Never lend any amount of money you cannot afford to be a gift.
First write the email - and only THEN add the recipients.
If you hate everyone, eat a snack. If you think everyone hates you - take a nap.
Remember to ask a very simple question in a variety of different situations: Is there anything else I need to know?
If you don't have the time to read some books, try audio books while doing chores. You will have 'read' hundreds of books - and your house would be tidy.
If you hate yourself, take a shower.
Create a filter in your inbox called 'unsubscribe'. It will clear your inbox and also will make massive deleting them all way, way easier.
Realize that at every part of your life basically, you will have something that will be lacking at a different part of your life - and learn how to appreciate it. It applies to your youth, your finances, your family, your health.
Pause. Just pause. If you get lost in a sentence, or a speech. If life feels like it's moving too fast. If you feel like you have lost your footing. Just pause. Say the word 'Pause' out loud if you have to - but just do. Pause.
Add frozen grapes to your glass of wine in order to chill it.
Take a little time to skip around the house every day for a few minutes. Why is this a life hack? Because otherwise you will lose the ability to skip before you know it. And that would be the real shame of it.
Proofread your own writing sentence by sentence backwards. That way, your brain doesn't infer what you actually meant to write and you are also way more likely to catch any errors that you have made during the writing!
So there you have it - 15 of the very best life hacks that Amanda's followers had to share with her! I have to say that some of them have truly been helpful - and I truly hope that these 15 that I had to share with you today will make your life way easier, dear and lovely readers of the Goddess Blog! Oh and I almost forgot, a bonus life hack, number 16:
That is it for today’s post guys and gals! I hope you enjoyed the read and it has truly enlightened this first day of June for you!
Goddess is out for the day, I will be back tomorrow for a new post,