Tips that will make your girl horny AF!

Goooooood afternoon lovely people and welcome to this wonderfully sunny Wednesday with your favorite Goddess, today I want to share with you guys 6 very exciting and interesting tips that you might wanna consider in order to make that special lady that you have in your life horny for you!

Stick around for today’s post and let me know in the comments bellow what you guys think about the tips!! :D

Your lady wants sex as much as you do, but at times she might hesitate to take the first step.

This comes from many things, but one of them is that women are afraid that if they step out of traditional gender roles, they won’t be seen, accepted, and appreciated as feminine being.

At time she also feels that she might be rejected or doesn’t have the ability to please you. But there’s nothing to worry, you can always fix this.

Here are tips to get her in the mood. Goddess approved!

1. Start Early

The thing about seduction is that it should start way before cloths come out. It takes time for women to warm up, hence start working on it before hand and you will get a better result later.

Want her to crave for you? Start the foreplay before you leave for work. Do it throughout the day, sent her short text, call her, set her mood and by the time you will be home she will already be looking forward to meet you.

2. Create The Atmosphere

Women always feel, they need to be perfect in order to please you in the bed. Creating an atmosphere makes her realise that you love her the way she is and you wouldn’t want anything else. Make her feel that it’s OK for her to let go and she can surrender to her sexual desires like you do.

3. De-stress Her

If she is under a lot of pressure, it’s not easy for her to get in mood. Women are designed in a manner that if they are under pressure, they don’t look for pleasure. The only thing they want to do is fix whatever is wrong.

There are things on her list that takes the priority, cleaning the kitchen, bathroom, helping sometime would hurt that much. It’s less about cleaning the house, and more about helping her see that a clean house doesn’t need to take priority over the relationship. Tell her that you are happy to help her with chores, after spending quality time with her.

4. Understanding Her Views

Arguments, fights can never make a good atmosphere to have sex. In fact it just pushes her away from you.

Being right is sometimes the obstacle to being happy, and often the obstacle to romance.

If you are having an important argument regarding your relationship then it’s altogether another story. But if it’s some random discussion about action films, politics, super heroes, you can for once give in to her point of view, that will do wonder for you and you will be reward generously when you get intimate.

5. Open Your Eyes

You want her to initiate, then don’t shut her down or ignore her when she tries. Give in even if her attempt is pretty half-assed. Initially she might be nervous that you might reject her.

Mostly us women are not used to being rejected when it comes to sex, so it’s really important that you do not do that. When she initiates, be positive about it, let her feel that vibe and she’ll do it more often.

6. Her Pleasure - Your Priority

It’s all about being generous. Be giving in bed and you will enjoy your sex life more than you can ever imagine. Just as the saying goes - happy wife, happy life.

She wants to feel good and wanted in bed, if you are successful in doing so, she will return the favour as well. She will make it her priority to please you and have more sex.

Figure out what she like and do that more often. If you think she likes something and isn’t open about it, ask her, coax her into a conversation when you are not in bed with her.

There you have it lovely readers - a nice and interesting last blog post for the week!

Hope all of you guys have a splendid day ahead of you - and be sure to check the Blogiversary Challenge in case you missed it!

Goddess loves you all, catch you all tomorrow,



Tips for sex in public


3rd Birthday of the Goddess Blog + The Blogiversary Challenge