Sugar Babies who swallow are the best ones out there

Gooooood afternoon lovely readers of the Goddess Blog and welcome to another day and another blog post by your one and only Goddess!

Today I will try to prove a point - and that point is that Sugar Babies who swallow are the best Sugar Babies out there! :)))

Stick around for today’s post, I am sure that a lot of you guys will enjoy it - and as always, remember to drop in some lovely cups of coffees along the way if you enjoy the read - or better yet, if you want to have a Goddess who swallows, why not try your luck in the Christmas Challenge and get some Entry Tickets? :*

Girls who swallow make the best girlfriends/sugar babies.

You can argue all you want, but this is true. There are tons of reasons girls who swallow make some of the best girlfriends out there.

However, as always, everyone is different and you get what you give. Meaning, if you’re a shitty boyfriend, you won’t get an awesome girlfriend who swallows. If you are a cheap and stingy Sugar Daddy, your Sugar Baby probably will not swallow.

But if you’re lucky enough to land a girl who swallows, get ready for the best relationship of your life. This is why girls who swallow make the best girlfriends or Sugar Babies out there.

1. They Are Selfless

This is just a fact. Because firstly, she doesn’t need to swallow. There is no rule that says she has to. It is completely selfless of her to swallow because it probably isn’t doing too much to please her. Unless she’s super turned on by swallowing, it’s only for your viewing pleasure.

Selfless people make the best partners for obvious reasons. They’ll make you happy even if it means doing stuff they’re not into. That’s a HUGE component of a healthy, happy relationship.

2. They Care About Your Happiness

You like girls who swallow, right? And if she’s doing just that, then she genuinely cares about what makes you happy. She’s willing to put her own wants aside in order to put a smile on your face.

This is another major factor in a healthy relationship. If you have a partner who’s selfish and doesn’t care about making you happy, then you’ll never be happy with them. Girls who swallow do care and therefore, you’ll be much happier with one.

She’s not doing it for the “extra calories”, she doesn’t like the gummy taste in her mouth, she’s doing it because it makes you happy. It turns you on just watching your cum in her mouth, and you feel great watching her gulp it down. If there’s a more selfless sexual act, I can’t think of any!

3. Open For New Experiences

Generally speaking, girls who are into swallowing are also very open minded people. Take it from me! :D We swallowers don’t give into labels and the negative stigma attached to swallowing.

Therefore, we’re usually very open people who are up for new adventures and experiences. Having a girlfriend like this will not only be exciting, you’ll also have many more opportunities for fun and growth together.

4. We Don’t Judge

Because girls who swallow don’t pay attention to labels and negativity, they’re far less judgmental. These girls are way more open to the things you like and dislike. They won’t judge you for liking something different in bed – so long as it’s not harmful to yourself or them.

When you have a non-judgmental girlfriend, you feel more accepted. Feeling more accepted can help you open up to someone on a much deeper level.

5. Intimacy

Intimacy is super important in a relationship. And no, I’m not talking about getting naked together. I’m talking about emotional intimacy. That thing you need to build a stronger bond and feel closer is only possible if both people want to do that. And in order to have a healthy relationship, you need strong emotional intimacy.

6. Not Afraid To Show Affection

I know so many girls who try to play it cool and then never end up making their significant others feel cared about. Girls who swallow don’t have that issues. We’re all for affection and showing you just how much we care.

And one way they do that is through swallowing. Let’s be real, girls aren’t just going to swallow for anyone. Usually, girls who swallow only do so when they have very strong feelings for their partner.

These strong feelings of love and affection that she has for you overpowers the repulsion she may have for swallowing your cum. But yet, she’s doing it, all for you!

7. I Want To Make You Feel Special

And obviously, that behavior won’t stop after you pull out of her mouth. If she’s down for swallowing, chances are, she’s a huge fan of making you feel really special and cared for.

She’ll show this in more ways than just swallowing. And truthfully, one of the biggest issues in relationships is the fact that someone isn’t feeling appreciated and cared for. So if that issue is eliminated by dating girls who swallow, you’ll have a much happier relationship.

8. Bold And Unapologetic

Were you surprised the first time she swallowed? Most guys aren’t expecting something like that to happen and yet, there are girls who go right ahead and do it. This shows their bold and unapologetic side.

Sure, some people may judge her based on the fact that she swallows. But guess what? She doesn’t care. She’ll do it anyways because that’s how she rolls. That’s who she is. This is something that’s attractive in every facet of life – not just in the bedroom.

9. Turned On

How great would it be to know how much your girl gets turned on by you? Because honestly, if a girl isn’t turned on by you, she won’t swallow. That’s just how it is.

Swallowing isn’t something girls do because they like it. They usually do it because they know you like it, and because they’re ridiculously turned on you by. So you can sleep easy knowing she thinks you’re hella fine.

10. We Are Laid Back

This is really probably the best thing about us girls who swallow. We know the bad rep swallowing can get them. But guess what? We don’t care!

And if you know you have a girl who doesn’t care about those types of things, you know she’s super laid back. She won’t make a fuss over trivial drama and she’ll be more real with you.

And there you have it guys - the 10 reasons why we swallowers are a sight to behold! :D

I really hope you enjoyed the read lovely ladies and gents!

Goddess will be back tomorrow with a new post, so I wish you all a wonderful Thursday ahead of you!



Enjoy your Friday!


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