Hellooooo dear lovely readers of the Goddess blog and welcome to another weekend that is bound to be started off with a post by your one and only Goddess! For today, since it is Friday, I have a short post for you guys explaining why it is my firm belief that money is the most romantic thing between you and your partner! Stick around for the post, give it a read or two, enjoy the show and get this Goddess some weekend coffees!
From the jobs we take to the way we raise our children, there are so many life decisions that have to be made as a couple — and most will impact your money. Lack of money intimacy means that couples often know very little about the state of each other’s personal finances.
Only half of the people I know have the basic knowledge about their significant other’s investment account balances.
Meanwhile, the rest don’t know how much their partner earns or the amount he or she has in bank accounts.
A recent survey from LearnVest, an online provider of financial planning services, found that 68 percent of Americans in relationships say that finances cause more tension with their partner than their sex life does.
In fact, nearly a quarter of the participants said that they have ended a relationship over money. Close to six in 10 said they would rather be single for the rest of their lives than to marry someone with bad financial habits.
“From the jobs we take to the way we raise our children, there are so many life decisions that have to be made as a couple — and most will impact your money,” said Alexa von Tobel, founder of LearnVest.
So, what is the solution to all of this?
Easy. Money is quite romantic, therefore: Make money romantic.
Here are five steps you can take to ensure that your cash flow doesn’t get in the way of your relationship.
1. Go on a date — to talk about money: A relaxing Sunday morning is a more ideal time to have a financial conversation than at the end of a long workday when you’re lying in bed and exhausted.
2. Stay casual: Your “finance date” shouldn’t be a formal affair. You can have your talk over a glass of wine and some takeout. Just make sure that you’re having this chat in a quiet place.
3. Be prepared: Do your homework before you meet up. Bring your credit card and bank statements, student and car loan balances, or a copy of your credit score and relevant reports. It’s important to come to the conversation with full knowledge of your financial picture.
4. Discuss combining accounts: Blending your finances with your squeeze might not be the best idea for you two —or it might be.
If you love compromise, combining your finances may be a good fit. If you’re fiercely independent, keeping your finances separate may be the way to go.
5. Keep your common goals in mind: Wrap up your “finance date” with a round-up of your shared goals, even if they’re long term.
Taking the pulse on these big-picture ambitions will ensure that you both stay on the same page and keep you motivated while you save up for them together.
That is it for today’s post guys! I really hope you liked the Friday read!
Goddess loves you all, catch you all tomorrow