Money affects your sex life

Hellooo lovely readers of the Goddess Blog and welcome to another day and another blog post by your one and only Goddess, todayyy I will be sharing several ways in which your income has influence on your sex life - and I bet that you havent even thought about these ways! Stick around for today’s post as I will be digging into it - and as always, remember to show your appreciation for the Goddess be known by chipping in with some lovely cups of coffee along the way :)

Sex and money are two of the most taboo topics of discussion. Despite the fact that these things affect all of our lives in one way or another, we tend to shy away from talking about them.

Sex and money are inextricably connected. Both within relationships and in our lives as individuals, sex and money are key contributors to our well being and state of mind.

Unless you really think about it, you may not realize just how much your finances are affecting your sex life. If money is causing you stress, controlling your social life, or causing tension in your relationships, it might be time to consider how it can affect your sex life too.

1. Health Benefits

Sex is a physical activity. And when your physical health is lacking strength, engaging in sex becomes difficult. Sometimes you are too worn down and exhausted to even toy with the idea of having sex.

If you are well-off financially, your physical health is likely in better tact. The richer you are, the more likely you are able to afford things that maintain your physical health like nutritional foods, days off work, equipment and/or gym passes for exercising, and any necessary medications. People with higher standings report having more sex than poorer people.

2. Lack Of Money = Stress

I don’t know if you’ve heard this before, but managing your money can be stressful.

Okay, so you’ve definitely heard this. But have you considered how money stress is affecting the health of your sex life?

The ways in which finances affect your actual relationship with your partner can largely determine the health of your sex life. If you feel more distant from your partner because of money stress it is likely affecting your sex life.

Mental health issues affect your sex life, the poorer you are, the more likely you are to be mentally ill and/or experience extreme stress. The less stress you have, the better your head space is. Stress leads to lower libido and sometimes even negative body image.

Low self-esteem coupled with the physical symptoms of stress put up tough barriers between you and your ability to have sex. The better your mental health is the more likely you are able to engage in a healthy, sexually active life.

3. Quality Of Social Life

Dating, sugar daddying and socializing in general can quickly drain your bank account. But oftentimes, going out is necessary for people’s sex lives.

Here are some of the expenses that come along with dating:

  • Covering the bill for your dates

  • Food and drinks

  • Activities

  • Dating app memberships

  • Transportation to and from

  • Planning and prep

Single people who are actively dating spend nearly €2300 on dating every year. If you don’t have enough money to go out and meet people frequently, your sex life will face obvious consequences.

4. Fun Sex Toys

There’s really no delicate way to put it.

If you have disposable income you can buy sex toys, lube, whatever it is you want to try in bed! And if you don’t, you can’t.

The use of sex toys is said to increase communication, excitement, and enjoyment in bed. So if you have money to spend on them, this is a direct way to improve your sex life.

5. Get A Raise

This might seem obvious at this point, but getting a raise is known to improve your sex life.

I have already covered that more money=better quality of life and better quality of life=better sex life!

But the specificity of getting a raise is especially positive when it comes to improving your sex-life because it usually comes along with improved self-esteem.

In conclusion

Overall, sex and money are a pair of tricky topics!

But they don’t need to be.

Whether the effect money has on your sex life is positive or negative, the connection is undeniable and important to think about.

After all, you might be surprised to discover how your paycheck translates to the bedroom! :)

That is it for today’s post guys and gals! I hope you enjoyed the read.

Goddess is out for the day, I will be coming back tomorrow to finish of the week.

Until then, I wish you a lovely Friday ahead of you,



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